Donations and how you can help

Donations and how you can help

Thank you for visiting our page. Our services to improve patient care and research rely on donations, sponsorship’s and grants. You can donate on online through the secure Australian Givenow National Website.


Flagship Project

Bridges and Pathways / Fibromyalgia Australia ‘s priority fundraising project is to establish the South Australian ME/CFS Fibromyalgia Clinic & Research Centre as a one stop shop to co-ordinate research and services for the one million Australians living with the physical conditions Fibromyalgia, ME/CFS and associated pain and fatigue conditions.

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Fibromyalgia Australia Support & Knowledge Fund

This fund supports Australian researchers to validate new tests and treatments; facilitate training sessions and advertising for people who are isolated and at an early stage of the illness

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The Tracey Ash Memorial Fund

This fund was set up in memory of Tracey Ash who died at the age of 26 after a long battle with unmanaged pain and increasing weakness from living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the associated lack of treatments.

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