About Us

About Us

We are a group of dedicated individuals, providers and consumers drawn together by a common first-hand experience of Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) or associated disorders. We function together as a nonprofit organisation, actively finding, assessing, and communicating emerging treatments for these debilitating disorders.

Our group, Bridges and Pathways, is fighting these formidable foes on two fronts, each closely connected with the other.

Firstly, we are supporting the medical fraternity with up-to-date research, and the latest information on treatments. We connect directly with many clinical practices around Australia, promoting a two-way flow of up-to-the-minute information.

Secondly, we offer a free advisory service directly to sufferers and their support networks. Our programs are based on a grassroots community empowerment model, offering hope and helping people adjust to living with a complex chronic condition that requires medical and lifestyle interventions.

We are a non-profit group, a charity, funded by donations. We are also grateful to be part of the South Australian primary care networks.

There are over 500,000 Australians who struggle to access best-practice medical care and appropriate allied health and community services for these disorders, and we are working every day to fast track change.

If you can assist us, please join our working groups (please contact us via email or the Contact Form).

Any donation helps – Please Donate.

If you need our help, we can be contacted through this website, Facebook, email bpclients5159@gmail.com, or our national call line on 0480 292 016.

You can find our charity details on the ACNC (Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission) website: https://www.acnc.gov.au/charity/charities/  Search by charity: Bridges and Pathways